Tuesday, May 4, 2010

For the Mommas

Can you ever have too many bibs?  Well, maybe only when it's laundry day but otherwise, I know I like have drawers full of them (spreads out the laundry days...)  Reading around blog world - I ended up on Homemade by Jill - and if you haven't checked her out - go do it and come back...please.  :)  As fate would have it - the top tutorial (thankyou alphabetical order) was her bib tutorial.  Easy cheesey.

My sewing table happens to line up directly with my bin of "cute" (read - not in daily use) dishtowels.  And in that stack was KMart's Martha Stewart fruit set that I coveted for months until I finally gave in and paid way too much for them.  They're towels.  And they get dirty.  But I love them.  Which is also why they are in a bin and not under my sink....moving on.  In the name of things I have actually getting used - I thought they would make ADORABLE bibs.  Kids eat fruit - makes sense.

So I printed out the template, cut the towel while it was doubled over, sewed it inside out, flipped right side out, topstitched, added a snap (because I don't have white velcro handy and I'm trying to keep myself out of fabric stores this month), and voila.  I'm in love.  I can't wait to cut into the rest of the set.

This would be adorable with any cutesy set of dishtowels - and I may not be allowing myself in the fabric store but I'm pretty sure the dollar store is not necessarily off limits...just saying.  Or Target's dollar section might also get a visit shortly.  Plus, with all the scraps of fabric I have - maybe I should just pick up a bundle of washclothes and go to town.  The possibilites are endless!!  And these would make such a cute gift paired with a burp cloth!!   And be sure to check out the rest of that blog too - it's AWESOME!!

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